Friday, June 11, 2010

Thank you, Obama

(Email sent to White House, May 28, 2010)

My thanks to you, the ghetto-boy-in-chief of our nation. Thank you for doing nothing for weeks as the oil slick entered our Louisiana marshes, even when we had a chance to prevent this mess. Thank you for giving us your ghetto-based panhandling-style words to attempt to appease us, but take ABSOLUTELY NO ACTIONS to prevent this rape of our coast.

If this were the California coast, you would be catering to the demands of your political whore, Pelosi, to get things cleaned up. Republican-dominated Louisiana is a different story, isn't it?

Thank you for "supporting" our governor by using your thugs in the Corps of Engineers to block his building of sand barriers to keep the oil from encroaching. Thank you for your racist attitude against our governor--after all, a bigoted reaction is to be expected of a black community rabble-rouser against those dark-skinned individuals with parents from other parts of the world, who prosper in America instead of moaning and groaning about "disparities." Is it a coincidence that you fail to cooperate with the governor whom you despise, whose superior intelligence you envy? The governor who has maintained low unemployment and economic prosperity in our state, despite your attempts to destroy our nation's economy to promote your true agenda? Is it a coincidence that you are out to destroy the only state which is prospering right now, avoiding the economic plight you and your Democratic Congress have inflicted upon the rest of the nation?

Anyone who doubts this should look at the numbers, and see what happened to the stock market once your Dems got control of the budget. Don't blame it on Bush--for his first six years, a Republican Congress gave us a bull market. A half-brain can look at the NASDAQ or Dow Jones records and see when the market plummeted, and see that it coincides with a Democratic majority in Congress.

Thank you for allowing this environmental catastrophe to happen so that you now have another excuse to place heavier restrictions against still another aspect of American business. The only thing you have shown speed in is your rapid effort to block further oil exploration and drilling in the U.S. Your priorities are clear to us. And our precious land in Louisiana is merely a tool for your corrupt political regime. But we Louisianians are not your pawns.

Go back to your Chicago ghetto. Go use your affirmative-action-provided Harvard education to stir up shit among the less educated. At least limit your crap to ruining one city instead of the whole nation. But, then again, is that not ruining our nation your real goal? Who needs external terrorists, when the terrorist-in-chief sits in the oval office?

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