Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Help Me Start a Revolution

Please join me in donating to the campaign of Justin Coussoule, the Democratic opponent of Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner. If it means getting an Ohio Democrat in office for two years for us to clean out the scum of the Republican Party, then so be it.

I also urge you to donate to the campaign of Republican Joe Barton of Texas. There was no excuse for his party's Minority Leader to silence him.

Send whatever you can afford to each campaign, be it five or five thousand dollars. BE CERTAIN to drop emails to John Boehner, and to R.N.C. Chair Michael Steele, letting them know about your donations and why you are doing it.

I am not asking anyone to excuse British Petroleum from their responsibility. Rather, this is a plea to preserve the constitutional right of a fair trial to every individual and corporation in the United States. When the executive branch usurps this power, we have the beginnings of dictatorship. The Republican Party has sold us out. If the citizens of this nation do not oppose this trend, nobody will.

So let's start taking out the anti-constitutional Republican incumbents one by one.

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