Friday, June 11, 2010

A Message to the Mafia Thugs at the Catholic League

(Sent to the Catholic League website, June 11, 2010)

Having grown up Roman Catholic, it is difficult for me to hate the religion of my ancestors. My parents did a decent job instilling values in me, whether or not I have lived up to these values.

That does not exempt Catholic organizations like your own from my harsh criticism. I have no tolerance when the Catholic League tries to insist that private landowners must cater to your religio-psychotic whims and give in to your leftist agenda. It is disgraceful to you when you refer to refusals to pay homage to your would-be saint as "snubs"

This is America, not medieval Europe. Forget the idea that your link to the Catholic Church gives you the right to dictate to the owners of private property what they should or should not do with what they own. The freedom gained by our founding fathers in the separation of church and state, and the protection of the rights of individuals--this is something Catholic Europe never could imagine, much less implement under any form of government. Catholic nations were too caught up in papal supremacy and divine rights of kings. Rather than giving the world freedom, twentieth-century European Catholic nations all gave rise to Fascism and National Socialism, with the sole exception of France, whose ideals were patterned after ours--not the Vatican's.

The Catholic League subscribes to socialist thinking and wealth redistribution, where what is yours is yours, and what is mine is also yours. And the more I earn, the more it is yours.

I will address your leader now. Mr. Donahue, you seem to disregard the fact that owners of a building do not need to make rules to suit the Catholic League. They only need to make rules to suit themselves. After all, don't they own the building? If you feel so strongly, go buy a skyscraper and put whatever lights on it you choose. And let some Jewish group complain that the lights are not in the shape of a Menorah at Hanukkah.

However, we know that Jews do not use Mafia tactics as developed in Catholic Italy. You organization is obviously not above this.

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