Thursday, June 17, 2010

Still Another Republican Betrayal of Justice

Last year I wrote a blog here about the miserable and disgraceful failure of the Republican Party to provide a viable opposition to the Democratic regime. Then only last night, I challenged here the constitutionality of what Rep. Joe Barton rightly described as a "White House shakedown" of British Petroleum.

Rep. Barton obviously agrees with my assessment of the situation. However, the power-wielding scumbags of the Republican Party were quick to oppose this condemnation of the tactics of the current post-constitutional regime, and force him to recant under political threat.

It is time for the Tea Party movement to take on these scumbags who betray those who defend the Constitution, and the constitutional rights of individuals and entities in our nation. Determine the role, if any, of Michael Steele in this. GET BOEHNER, CANTOR, AND PENCE OUT OF OFFICE. Weed out the scum by running deserving candidates against these traitors to our constitutional principles. Let it be a lesson to those others who are tempted to put their political agenda in front of our constitutional rights.

In contrast to these jerks, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Tom Price have made similar condemnations of this White House effort to bypass the court system and proclaim B.P. guilty without trial. Bachman and Price have rightly described the White House extortion of $20 billion as a "shakedown" and a "redistribution of wealth fund."

No doubt dunces like Boehner, Cantor, and Pence think that by giving in to leftist-inspired political correctness, they increase the chance of Republicans getting more seats in Congress. However, the recent primaries have proven that nearly every candidate backed by the outspoken Sarah Palin has won in the primaries, even against party-backed opponents, and usually with an overwhelming victory. Why not take on the policies and approach of Sarah Palin? Why this "let's not rock the boat" attitude that compromises with, rather than confronting, the threat of the current regime?

We Republican defenders of the Constitution do not "more of the same" out of the Republican Party. We do not want another Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security, or Faith-Based Initiatives to provide a means for federal intervention into the private and religious aspects of our lives. We do not want the curse of another Bush in the oval office, to provide to the even greater tyrants who follow still more governmental tools to be used against us as citizens.

We Americans are tired of seeing constitutional values being watered down and our constitutional rights trampled upon. This is the motivation behind the Tea Party movement. What is being done to B.P. is not something we want to see done to the companies we own, to ourselves as individuals, nor to the family members we love. We will respond in an appropriate way to any government tyranny, be it brought on by Democrats or Republicans, liberals or social conservatives.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the republicans finally get someone with some balls to speak up and the first thing they do is rush in to cut them off. I sometimes think that the majority of the republican party is really democrat in disguise. They seem to be painfully fond of damaging any hope they will ever have of re-gaining control of congress.
