Sunday, June 27, 2010

G-Summit Leftist Violence Still Again

Well, it's that time again for global summits. That means that the leftist violence is here.

More property damage, more burned police cars, more cases of urine being thrown upon normal people who actually earn a living. The protesters brand themselves "anarchists" to hide their leftist agenda. Anarchy is a lack of government, not an organized system of global wealth redistribution.

So who are these "steal-from-the-rich-give-to-the-poor" protesters? Let's try to identify the spoiled rich brats whose corporate parents should have beaten some sense into them when they acted up as children, now filled with guilt for being born with a silver spoon in their mouths, but still rich enough to afford not to work and instead travel, frequently to other nations, to tear up property and harass citizens there. The rest are society's losers, those who feel that the world owes them a living, while making no effort to survive for themselves--in other words, potential recipients of some wealth redistribution.

Compliments go to the Toronto police for handling these criminals in the proper way, unlike the Pittsburgh police at the last G20. Hopefully enough protesters are trampled and die this time to reduce the quantity of scum showing up at the next G8 or G20. That would be true environmental cleanup.

In the meantime, the American mainstream press will ignore this left-wing violence to instead continue to pontificate on the evils of "right wing extremism" in their labeling of tea party rallies. It is undeniable that the only violence present in such rallies is done to the tea partiers by leftist opponents and Democratic-party representatives. One such example of this was in the Nevada protests against Harry Reid, where eggs were thrown at the tea partiers.

So what is the difference between the American tea partiers and these self-proclaimed anarchists? Tea partiers are normally working people, who respect the law, who hold normal jobs, and who cannot afford, under normal circumstances, to take a week off of work to protest and possibly get thrown in jail. The alleged anarchists are those who sponge off their rich parents or their society.

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