Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today, the crooked and idiotic islamocommunist we dumbass Americans elected as our president had the gall to say that instead of terrorism, India and Pakistan should focus on their common enemy of poverty.

What kind of idiocy is this? Mr. Obama speaks here with the voice of a pampered American who does not have to worry (yet) about getting blown up while going shopping as most Indians have to do today. What kind of fool thinks that poverty is a greater threat to India's stability than violence? Or thinks that getting Indians and Pakistanis together to hold hands and sing songs (or worse, do a similar type of "community organizing" of Obama's pre-election days, and create a welfare class in the Indian subcontinent as well) will somehow end Pakistani-sponsored terrorism? Is violence in India merely the product of poverty, as our idiotic leader seems to think? Are the religio-political factors to be swept under the carpet since they do not fit with the political correctness of the U.S. Democratic party, the Congress Party of India, or the Pakistani government?

The introduction of capitalism to India in the early 1990's has brought about the most prosperity that India has experienced since independence. By tapping into the talent of Indians, this economic change has put India in the ranks of a growing world power. This capitalism, until now, was the backbone of the American system which produced the prosperity Americans have enjoyed for generations and which propelled the U.S. into a top global position.

It is this same capitalistic sytem which has catapulted Indian Americans into the highest ranks in American society today.

Now Obama wants to deprive Indians and Indian-Americans from experiencing that prosperity by bringing socialism to the United States instead of capitalism to India. Wasn't socialism the course India has tried for the last several decades and which failed to alleviate poverty? Now blocks are being set up for Indians to get H1B visas, and U.S. companies will be penalized for hiring Indians. If the company is a victim of government takover, no H1B workers will be hired (though I suspect Mexican and Central American illegals will continue to do manual labor and janitorial work for the U.S. government owned companies).

Yes, Obama wants to bring the same socialism (or worse) into the United States, by attacking journalists who exercise their right to free speech, by limiting our right to bear arms, by gaining complete control over money and finances by bank takeovers, by taking over the automobile manufacturers, and by buying out failing companies with our tax dollars and setting them up as government-managed companies, with a new CEO in the oval office.

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