Thursday, April 2, 2009

"I am a strong believer in the ability of the free market to generate wealth and prosperity that’s shared across the board." - Barack Hussein Obama
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” - Margaret Thatcher

Living in the USSA, the Obama nation--more socialist by the day .

Instead of asking, "What can we do to fairly bail out AIG?" let's ask "Why the hell are we bailing out AIG?"

Can we not learn a lesson here? The AIG directors failed miserably, and the government proves them to still be far more competent at running a company than the damned members of Congress are. After botching up AIG, do Americans want the government in charge of HEALTH CARE now? Are we Americans that stupid?

If the government is going to get involved in running free market businesses, why only buy out the losers? Why not buy out Google or some successful company so we can MAKE money instead of wasting it? (Know that I am joking here. We all know what would happen to Google in the hands of our incompetent politicians. In fact. let's sell our government to Google instead. Our debt will be reduced, but we will have to be damned sure Pelosi, Dodd, and the other crooks don't get bonuses on their way out.)

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