Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Both parties to blame

Having blasted the new tyrannical administration set up by Barack Hussein Obama and his fellow Democrats, I will now make a statement which will surprise many.

The political party I fear the most is the Republican Party.

Why? Because the Republican Party SHOULD be the opposition party to this excessive spending and debt, and especially to tyranny resulting from the infringement of the rights of the citizenry of this nation. However, Republicans have abandoned capitalism in favor of a watered-down socialism rather than the blatant socialism of the Democrats. A vote for a Republican is no longer a vote for capitalism. We know where the Democrats are coming from, and we know what to expect from them. It is the socialism of the Republicans, the alleged "opposition party," which is the frightening reality.

When the provisions for an ungodly massive debt were being passed through Congress, Republicans were there feasting on the spoils. Earmarked funds were carefully arranged by them for their pet projects, and the pact was made with the devil.

The day is coming when Democrats will successfully finish the abolition of our Constitution and its accompanying Bill of Rights, and effectively remove our rights from public policy, when our free speech is taken away along with our guns, when the president will become the CEO of all business in the nation, when hospitals will all be government hospitals on the same par as charity and veterans' hospitals are today, when control of everything is finally in the hands of the government. Then, when the Republicans come back into power, they will NOT return these rights to the people. They will do as they have done in the past. They will enjoy the usurped rights as politicians, and a change of agenda will be the only change--the mechanisms of tyranny, being in place, will be merely exercised for conservative purposes rather than leftist ones. But the socialism and tyranny will remain.

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