Saturday, July 10, 2010

Limiting Diversity: A Liberal Dilemma in Embracing Islam

Most westerners are aware of the liberal agenda of diversity. We are finding with greater awareness that this agenda represents more the divide-and-conquer approach of British colonialism than a defense of the rights of individuals of diverse backgrounds. Liberals only defend the rights of individuals with an underlying motive, usually of building more government control. The liberals of the current regime whittle away the rights of individuals, and more so with each passing day, proving their appreciation of diversity to be a mere political tool.

Liberals are more interested in dividing the society than unifying it. A unified society carries a potential threat to the political power of the government.

In the meantime, the guise of encouraging diversity continues. First, consumers are encouraged to hate "big business"--well, at least until it's time for bailouts. Then abortion is used as an issue to divide the country down the middle. It is probably the only "right" defended by liberals. Then more division between women and men. Then division of blacks against whites. Then Hispanics against whites. Then fire the hatred between Muslims and everyone else. Then, of course, the option of gay marriage is tossed in, to try to divide homosexuals from the rest of society.

Don't get me wrong here. I am not a social conservative--I wholeheartedly support gay marriage, and not merely a watered-down "civil union" which carries the dangers of "separate-but-equal" thinking, akin to that applied to blacks prior to desegregation. Rather, I invoke the freedom to associate, as guaranteed in our Bill of Rights.

What I oppose is the pandering to the gay community by the Democrats. Likewise, I oppose the pandering to the Muslim community. The dilemma I describe is the result of hypocritically pandering to both of these groups at the same time.

We Americans are yet to learn what Europeans have learned--and learned too late--that pandering to certain fanatical members of the Muslim community will eventually suppress the rights of homosexuals and the rights of women in our own society.

Muslims have the same rights of religion as the rest of us in America, guaranteed to them by our Constitution. They do not need an unfair advantage over those of other religions. To give them this advantage is a matter of appeasement, not justice.

Many methods of mediation as alternatives to the court system exist and are encouraged in our society. Muslims are free to set up mediation between Muslims. In other nations, however, allowing mediation is not enough to satisfy the fanatics. Actual Muslim courts are demanded. In America, this would pose a direct threat to the legitimate courts established under our Constitution.

I have no anti-Muslim hatred or bigotry, and I count Muslims among my friends. I have no objection to anyone peacefully practicing Islam, in the U.S. or elsewhere. I recognize that most Muslims who immigrate to the U.S. are peaceful people. Most have come here for a different and hopefully better way of life.

However, I do not overlook that many Muslims see Islam as a political and not merely a religious system, and as a system to replace western governance. I do not overlook the fact that most terrorism against the U.S. comes from adherents to Islam. I do not overlook the fact that Muslims want their religion "in the face" of the American public by building a huge mosque near the site of the most successful Muslim attack on American soil. I do not overlook the members of the Nation of Islam or the New Black Panthers with Muslim names who spew hatred against white people like myself. I also do not overlook the fact that homosexuals are persecuted in most Muslim-majority nations.

To refuse to overlook facts does not make one a bigot.
If I hate an individual for being a Muslim, it makes me a bigot. If I look at the tendencies in behavior of a given group of people, it merely makes me biased and aware. If I refuse to accept the values of a society different from my own because I recognize them to be oppressive, it makes me free.

It is easy for liberals to confuse bias and bigotry to silence dissent, particularly when liberals are in control of the government.

Though most Muslims are peace-loving people, the fanatical fringe increases with the increase in Muslim population within a region. The percentage of the fringe is also known to increase with population growth. Sooner or later, there will be imams ready to apply Islamic law against the rights of homosexuals and women. Demands for separate "sharia courts" will be the first step in an effort to exert Islamic law over the entire society. And liberals will say, "What is wrong with this? Does it not recognize the diversity within the society?" And the word "Islamophobe" will roll off their tongues against anyone who questions this.

Will the same liberals openly and vocally apply the word "homophobe" to imams opposed to homosexuality? Will liberals denounce a trampling on the rights of women within our society when "pluralism" in law means Islamic women will be forced to wear burkhas in America?

Soon, the leftist movement will betray its lack of support for the rights of individuals, in this case homosexuals and women. The leftists will instead favor appeasement of a rapidly-reproducing group whose fanatical elements do not recognize individual rights, who, when in majority, stone and decapitate individuals on moral rather than legal grounds, who hold our constitutional "God-given rights" to be the false fabrications of humans, and who reject our system in favor of a divine law allegedly given to an Arabian prophet. We, in America, will face the same tragedy faced by Europeans today, and watch our values of freedom deteriorate before our very eyes. Or is this already happening today?

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