Thursday, May 28, 2009

Smoking Is Now Becoming a Crime--But the Murderers Go Free

The right to determine whether smoking will or will not be permitted in establishments is being taken away from the private business owners and managers of hotels, restaurants, and bars.

The police forces and judicial systems fail miserably in stopping robbery and violent crime. Our homes are no longer safe, but instead of correcting this, it will become a crime to smoke in public. Will the same dunces who cannot enforce other laws somehow enforce this?

In the meantime, our rights are trampled upon again, in our government's open defiance of the Constitution which it is sworn to uphold. We have lost both the right to safety in our homes and our right to light up a cigarette when we get frustrated with it.

Perhaps the defiance called for is that voiced by the founding fathers of our nation, who held that the individual should be in defiance of a government which fails to recognize the God-given rights of its citizens.

1 comment:

  1. If you have ever watched the movie Demolition Man, it will be a pretty accurate description of the way this country is headed. Maybe not as far as the freezing convicts and thawing them later, but as far as the way the environment and the laws have changed. In the movie, the people were basically slaves to their own desire to live in a non-violent, super clean world. You were fined for swearing, there were no guns. Not even for the police. The people who chose freedom were forced to live in the sewers below ground. That is pretty much where this country is headed and the sad part is, that blindly, we will follow our liberal government into a world of slavery and weakness as a nation and become less safe and free than we ever were. We will become prime targets for the rest of the world and this giant will fall to its knees as we all wave flags every 4th of July and scream out how free we are and how strong we are. It is truly a pathetic sight.
