Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Lack of Republican Integrity

Democrats have a far higher degree of integrity than Republicans. Democrats are not afraid to make their agenda known. They openly disrespect the Constitution and feel it is a document which has seen better days. They make no effort to hide their attempts to bring wealth re-distribution to America. They openly build up the national debt with no remorse.

Republicans, on the other hand, are hypocritical and sinister. They pretend to uphold the rights of the individual, while passing the Patriot Act. They promise lower taxes--but spew "read my lips" lies while raising taxes. They pretend to uphold religious rights, while setting up government takeover of the churches through Faith-Based Initiatives. They talk about reducing the size of government, while voting to double the size of government. Instead of abolishing the Department of Education, they expand government by creating the Department of Homeland Security. They talk about upholding the free enterprise system, while destroying the system through bailouts and political favoritism. They buckle under political pressure to persecute companies and individuals if such trampling of rights wins the favor of American voters and gains them the image as being "tough"--as in the way Republicans supported Obama for extorting billions from B.P. without providing a fair trial. They talk about upholding the Constitution, while passing laws which undermine the ideals of the Constitution and the founding fathers of our nation.

For the past half century the Republican Party has duped American conservatives. Now it is time to call the bluff.