Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Boehner Makes an Ass of Himself in Three Minutes or Less

It's bad enough when you are a sleaze, but a moron as well?

John Boehner managed to show his true colors today in his moronic speech on the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. With an imbecile like this leading the Republican Party, are you fellow conservatives and libertarians confident as I am in the leadership of this nation when the Re-pubis get control of Congress in the fall?

Within the first minutes of his speech, he managed to throw out the asinine cliche, "These colors don't run." I stand in awe...

Bravo, Johnny! Such originality and brave leadership qualities in the Minority Leader! How eloquent and profound!

Obama was right in his speech a couple of weeks ago. He warned that, with Republicans in office, we would simply have more of what we had the last eight years before he took office. Actually, this was highly understated. It would be worse than Obama says. Because now you will have the same bunch of deadheads in charge, impotent in their ability to reverse any of the failed policies of the current regime, still growing the size of government, still bailing out big business, and firmly holding the ground for the next round of Democratic-Party domination to push every business into a socialist monopoly under the control of the wealthiest 1% of the population.

Perhaps America is in the same spot as the addict that has not really hit bottom yet. We are still clinging to our bottle, or our fix, in our certain descent into economic depression. When we finally hit the pavement, we will hopefully be able to face the pain and then scrape ourselves up to make a new start.

I pray that when we do hit bottom, the government is not too powerful to be reformed or overthrown.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Republican Game: Let's Pull the Wool Over Conservative Voters

Let me state clearly here that the greatest enemy to American freedom is NOT the Democratic Party. It is the Republican Party.

Within the fifty years of my life, the Republican Party has consistently promoted big government. Republicans will lie through their teeth on this policy, but their actions outweigh their empty promises.

Every Republican bastard in the White House has grown the size of both government and the national debt. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and both generations of the Bush thugs have done this. Every Republican Congress has done the same, with an even greater subversion of the American system than the White House can achieve.

In the past half-century, the pattern has been to put Democrats in power to grow the size of government, increase the debt, and remove individual liberties. Intermissions to this overall trend come in the Republican years with lower taxation. The American people are duped into thinking that the lower taxation is a difference in policy, and we fall into the stupor of political action.

Under Republicans, our rights are, still, consistently whittled away, our debt continues to skyrocket, our entitlement programs remain intact, big business continues to get bailed out, our free enterprise system is manipulated under government dictatorship, the economy crumbles, and the leftist agenda gets pushed down our throats. HOW IS ANY OF THIS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT THE DEMOCRATIC BASTARDS DO???

Fool yourself not: when the Republicans gain control of Congress in the fall, you will not see the size of government reduced. They will hold the ground until the next wave of Democrats again take over.

The political process has failed and we are left to other methods for change. It is time that the government and the wealthy who seek to profit from the socialist monopoly being created under the United States government begin to fear the people again.

An Examination of the Position of Imam Rauf

Muslims fall into basically four categories:

1. Those who separate Islamic law from Islamic spirituality. This is a similar approach of a modern-day Christian or Jew who has no intention of applying the Book of Leviticus in modern-day legal systems. Muslims, Christians, and Jews who separate religious law from modern law have no intention of stoning women to death.

2. Those who wish to apply Islamic law by violent means.

3. Those who wish to apply Islamic law by peaceful means. These people try to slip Sharia law into the legal system, first as an alternative law system, with separate Sharia courts, then to phase out any competing legal systems once the Islamic population of the nation reaches critical mass, as is occurring in Europe.

4. Those who fall into group 2 but fake belonging to group 3. This group is represented by the many Muslims along the east coast who formed the network through mosques which planned the September 11 attacks.

Those in group 1 are the only ones who can be supportive of the U.S. Constitution while remaining Muslim. All others make themselves enemies of the Constitution and are a potential threat to national security.

Judging him by his own words, Imam Rauf falls into category 3.

I feel Imam Rauf sees the positioning of the mosque as a means of promoting the law code of his god above the laws of humans as determined by the American system. His own words indicate this.

The bridge he wishes to build between Americans and Muslims is to make Islamic law palatable to American non-Muslims.

Islamic resentment of Americans is what caused the attack on the WTC, and it is insulting to first turn this the other way around to make the victims the perpetrators, then plant a mosque as close as possible to the place of destruction to say that the victims should submit.

I cannot verify this, but I feel a majority of Muslims, both in the U.S. and elsewhere, probably fall into category 3. I think it is difficult for most Muslims to separate Islamic law from Islamic spirituality.